Let’s get straight to the point. This bike is fast, brutally fast. The 1679cc V-Four mill pumps out a rear tire destroying 197 horsepower and 122 lb-ft of torque. Once the adrenaline high wears off from that first crack of the throttle, riding the VMAX becomes an exercise in responsibility and restraint. It’s like riding a loaded gun. Be careful where you point it, and when you pull the trigger, you had better mean it. The VMAX makes the longest straight on your favorite mountain roads ridiculously short, brings far way objects near in short order, and basically blurs space and time. Akrapovič exhaust, Carbon fiber tank dash cover, tail delete, flush mount front turn signals, tucked rear turn signals.
Price: Auction
More info: Listing has ended. Click to search on eBay for similar 2010 Yamaha VMX17 (Affiliate link)
Location: Marietta, Georgia, United States